Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First steps!!

June 5, 2012 - Mason took his first steps!  2 1/2 weeks shy of his first birthday.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

10 & 11

Seriously, 1 year old in just a few short weeks?  It just doesn't seem possible!  Mason, you have grown into a smart, funny, compassionate, and loving boy.  You will soon no longer be a baby, but a toddler, oh my!  These last few months have been the most fun, I think.  It is such a thrill watching your brain work and figure out the world around you.  I have loved every minute spent with you, and I thank God that I've been blessed to be able to stay at home with you this past year.  I love you buddy!

We have been so busy lately with summer coming up.  I turned the big 3-0 in April, Billy received his BA from UofHD, and Mason will be turning 1 on June 23rd!  We took a trip to San Antonio and  Austin a few weeks ago and took Mason to Sea World.  He was more interested in the birds than the dolphins, Beluga whales, or Shamu, but I'm sure that will be different next time!  We can't wait for more trips with you!

For the baby books:
  • You started pulling up at 9 1/2 months
  • You started crawling (instead of army crawling) on my 30th birthday - I'm so proud!
  • You were standing for a few seconds on your own at 10 months
  • You also started waving and holding a sippy cup on your own at 10 months
  • For a brief time, you would lean in for kisses.  I bet it's not long until you do it again!
  • You started walking with push toys around 10 1/2 months - you also started cruising the furniture around this time
  • A favorite thing to do is take all of your books off the bookshelf or empty laundry baskets of clothes.  You could do it all day everyday!
  • You give "fives" - not so much "high" fives, but you give them on command
  • You started finger feeding yourself puffs and cheerios around 10 1/2 months, and other food like meats and fruits/veggies around 11 months
  • You love when I fake cough and you usually swat at my face and laugh
  • You are imitating us when we laugh, grunt, make funny noises, etc.
  • You started doing the rabbit nose like your cousin Julia!
  • You love helium balloons and are even trying to say balloon.  
  • You babble a lot and make lots of sounds.  You say "Ma Ma Ma Ma" when you're not around me and missing me.  I think you tried to say "Daddy" the other day but it came out "Gaggy."
  • You love to look up at the planes and birds.
  • You are starting to develop some separation anxiety.  You want Mama to hold you most times.  Now even at naptime and at night, you hold on to me tight (I love this though!) and don't want me to put you down.
  • The fits have started!  When we tell you "No" or "Don't touch" or take something away that you shouldn't be playing with, you have a pouty lip, sometimes throw yourself on the floor, and begin to cry.  Uh Oh!!!  ;)
  • You love to play peekaboo and play on your own to get a laugh from Mom and Dad!
Baby boy, you are growing up so fast!  In just a couple of weeks, you'll be my big ONE year old, my little toddler.  Your mom and dad love you so very much!

10 months!
Mason LOVES Ellen!
Bed head
 Best buds
 Anna and I (friends for 28 years) and our boys
Lovin' that water!
I just love this face that you're making!
Indulging in your favorite activity - taking all the books off your bookcase.
Making a mess!
This is the cutest face ever!  "Mom, c'mon, stop taking my picture!"
Wrestling his buddy Daniel.
Matching polos
Look at that face!  This was Mother's Day and he was done taking pictures!
 Pure joy with his helium balloon!
The rabbit face!
 11 months!

Friday, April 20, 2012

9 months


I can't ever seem to get these posts in on time!  I'll do my best to do another post in 3 days, since Mason will then be TEN months!  He has grown and done so many new things this past month. I love this stage...his personality is shining through!

Stats from his 9 month appointment:
Weight: 19 lbs 11 oz - 37 %
Height:  28" - 42%

Mason, you:
*started pointing at EVERYTHING - it is the cutest thing
*started noticing planes and birds, Daddy and Mimi swore you pointed at a bird and said, "Luh, Luh"
*are pulling up on furniture and toys now
*still love to have your belly tickled
*have TEETH!!!  You cut 4 teeth (top 2 and bottom 2) in about 3 weeks and are doing so well with it!
*are still the BEST sleeper
*LOVED to be rocked to sleep, to the point that if you woke up in the middle of the night (rare, but still happened sometimes) I'd have to rock and rock you back to sleep. I worried that I was creating a really bad habit, so one day I put you down and let you cry at nap time. cried for a long time but eventually went asleep.  It's been great ever since.  GO MASON!!
*started crawling on your hands and knees on my 30th birthday!!!  You still sometimes fall back down on your belly and slither around
*HATED formula, so still nursing
*are still nursing 4x a day, eating solids 3x
*tried cheese and loved it
*starting making the wet razz sound all the time
*love to stick your tongue out
*started throwing little fits when you don't get your way!
*have a very serious look towards people you don't know or haven't warmed up to yet...I like to call it "The Bierhalter look" because your momma had it too!
*moved to a convertible car seat.  I think you like it better.
*went out on Mimi and RaRa's boat for the first time.  You fell asleep and when you woke up, you were done!

 Alright, I've posed with the block long enough...time to knock them over!
 Easter 2012

 The Bierhalter Look!
 I love to point!
 How cute am I??!!
I just absolutely love and adore this boy!