Friday, April 20, 2012

9 months


I can't ever seem to get these posts in on time!  I'll do my best to do another post in 3 days, since Mason will then be TEN months!  He has grown and done so many new things this past month. I love this stage...his personality is shining through!

Stats from his 9 month appointment:
Weight: 19 lbs 11 oz - 37 %
Height:  28" - 42%

Mason, you:
*started pointing at EVERYTHING - it is the cutest thing
*started noticing planes and birds, Daddy and Mimi swore you pointed at a bird and said, "Luh, Luh"
*are pulling up on furniture and toys now
*still love to have your belly tickled
*have TEETH!!!  You cut 4 teeth (top 2 and bottom 2) in about 3 weeks and are doing so well with it!
*are still the BEST sleeper
*LOVED to be rocked to sleep, to the point that if you woke up in the middle of the night (rare, but still happened sometimes) I'd have to rock and rock you back to sleep. I worried that I was creating a really bad habit, so one day I put you down and let you cry at nap time. cried for a long time but eventually went asleep.  It's been great ever since.  GO MASON!!
*started crawling on your hands and knees on my 30th birthday!!!  You still sometimes fall back down on your belly and slither around
*HATED formula, so still nursing
*are still nursing 4x a day, eating solids 3x
*tried cheese and loved it
*starting making the wet razz sound all the time
*love to stick your tongue out
*started throwing little fits when you don't get your way!
*have a very serious look towards people you don't know or haven't warmed up to yet...I like to call it "The Bierhalter look" because your momma had it too!
*moved to a convertible car seat.  I think you like it better.
*went out on Mimi and RaRa's boat for the first time.  You fell asleep and when you woke up, you were done!

 Alright, I've posed with the block long enough...time to knock them over!
 Easter 2012

 The Bierhalter Look!
 I love to point!
 How cute am I??!!
I just absolutely love and adore this boy!