As for the name...The Boatman Fleet. Billy vetoed all of my "normal" names; i.e. The Boatman Family, The Boatman Bunch. So we tried to think creatively with our last name and it was either The Boatmans Set Sail or The Boatman Fleet. I think it implies we are going to have about 20 children. See, that's our real goal. To get our own show. "20 Kids and No Money." Nice ring to it. Kidding, kidding...
We'll see how long I like the name...
So on to Baby Boatman... :) I am now 19 weeks pregnant. My due date is currently June 19th. I go for my 20 week ultrasound on Thursday, and I can't wait! It's hard to believe I am almost halfway there. Although we're not finding out the sex, a tiny part of me is a little sad since I'm sure we could find out in a few days. But I know it is going to be so worth it on the day of the birth. And I know Billy can't wait to announce it to everyone once we know. So back to baby... According to, the baby is now the size of a large heirloom tomato. This means nothing to me since I don't like tomatoes. I have no clue how big they are. And heirloom? What's that supposed to mean? As far as movement, I started feeling something around the end of 17 weeks. At least I think it is the baby. I don't have the fluttering or butterfly feeling. It is more like tiny pokes around where the baby should be. I am assuming it's Baby B because I've never felt it before, and I'm sure it's not gas. ;) Hopefully soon I'll be able to know for sure. I've been feeling pretty good lately. I had bits of nausea in the 1st trimester, mostly at night. I had a weird thing with water where I hated it at first, then I couldn't have anything but Kroger water. I think our NYC trip a few weeks ago helped me break that a little bit. I was able to drink bottled water again. Other than that, no strange cravings or aversions. I do have a sweet tooth like no other, but I had that before I was pregnant! :) I love my chocolate and cookies!
So like I mentioned at the beginning of my post, it is taking me FOREVER to actually sit down and do this thing. Case in point...I am now almost TWENTY TWO weeks pregnant. I will make sure any future posts are not this long, or I'll never get this blog going! Update on Baby B...I had my 20 week ultrasound 2 weeks ago. Everything looked great...all except Baby B refused to look at us. But that just means I get to have another ultrasound 2 weeks from today to try to catch a glimpse of that sweet face!
I'm feeling pretty good these days. I have had a few cases of bad indigestion though, and with that comes this HORRIBLE backache. I'm not kidding, it is some excruciating pain. I even had to leave school early one day because I felt like I was going to faint. Luckily, this doesn't happen too often. Other than that...things are good!
Here is a look at my pregnancy so far!
Here are a few pics of sweet baby B!!!!
(Sorry for the bad quality of photos...the ultrasound film doesn't photograph well - there are a lot of glares)
7 weeks
And here's a short progression of the bump :)
15 weeks + Christmas
So I think that's all I have for now. New York post and pics coming soon!